Research & Evaluation (CPRE)
CPRE builds leadership capacity and provides high value consultation and technical assistance in community and school health assessment, evaluation, and program delivery.
Center staff and consultants include doctoral and masters-prepared health and education professionals with extensive experience in health program planning, delivery, assessment, and evaluation. This experience includes project direction for county and municipal community health assessments; strategic health improvement planning; rigorous health-related evaluation projects for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CT Department of Public Health, and CT Department of Education; and coordination of health initiatives in schools and communities throughout Connecticut.
The Center for Program Research & Evaluation (CPRE) at EdAdvance was created in 2008 to provide exceptional assessment, research, and evaluation services for educational, health, and human services agencies and non-profit organizations.
Our specialized services are designed to improve and support organizational capacity to effectively use research, assessment, and evaluation processes for continuous program improvement resulting in enhanced outcomes.
We Believe:
The purpose of evaluation is to collect, analyze, and interpret relevant data using evidence-based methods.
The evaluation process should be customized and meaningful to the organization and its stakeholders.
Evaluation supports the ability of an organization to understand and improve the impact of its programs and services.
Evaluation is an educational and collaborative process.
Evaluation must be timely, efficient, and effective.
Our Services
Evaluation of K-12 and post-secondary STEM, English language arts, and health educational programs
Development of comprehensive, user-friendly evaluation plans
Support for data teams at instructional, school, and district levels
Strategic Health Improvement Planning
Quantitative research using QED, mixed-methods, and RCT methodologies.
Qualitative research including survey and focus group design, key informant interviews, and classroom observations
Creation, scoring, and analysis of student assessments linked to state and national standards.
Community and School Health Assessments
Health survey development, administration, and analysis
Health data research and report preparation
Evaluation of health programs and services
Delivery of school health programs
Evaluation of curriculum alignment with 21st century skills across content areas.
Evaluation of curriculum alignment with CCSS and NGSS standards.
Community engagement activities, including facilitating Community Forums, Focus Groups, and conducting Key Informant Interviews
Organizational support in setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and providing realistic, actionable, and smart solutions that lead to effective decision-making and planning
Nutrition & Fitness
Training and Consulting in:
Early Childhood/Pre-K Nutrition and Health
School Health Index Assessment & Improvement Planning
Healthy Food Service Planning and Enhancements
Our Team
CPRE staff and consultants include doctoral and masters-prepared education professionals. We have high level experience in educational and non-profit research and evaluation, curriculum review and alignment, teacher evaluation, and creation and implementation of validated student and program level assessments, and community and school health assessments.
CPRE experience includes rigorous evaluation projects funded by the CT Department of Education, CT Department of Public Health, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as well as many universities and school districts.
Our Experts Are Ready to Assist You
With specialized expertise in the fields of K-12 education, public health, qualitative and quantitative research, evaluation, and health improvement planning, our team is positioned to effectively and efficiently:
Manage the collection, analysis, and interpretation of health-related data;
Design and conduct focus groups, surveys, and key informant interviews;
Identify and assist in the prioritization of health needs within your community; and
Collaborate with key partners to develop your community’s Health Assessment + Improvement Plan.
*Our team works collaboratively with your organization to design and deliver health assessment, evaluation, and program services tailored to your specific needs and budget.
Download Samples of Our Work
NW CT HEC Priority Aims Assessment Data Scan & Community Engagement Activities Report
Community Health Needs Assessment 2015 Update for NWCT